This story contains elements of explicit sexual nature.
If, for some reason, you feel offended by erotic stories, then I don't know why you have opened this one. Maybe to be offended, so you can complain about how awful it is that somebody writes stuff like this. If that's the case, my advice is to seek professional help. You need it. If you are not allowed to read stories like this, I will not be held responsible, if you choose to continue. But don't worry; it's all fantasy.
A great thanks to Terry Steyaert for editing.
Reposting or any other use of this story is strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the author.
Copyright Henrik Larsen 2003.
Anna, Susan, Sandra, Sis, and Me. Part 7
"Sandra called to hear how Sis was doing. She sounds like such a nice and caring girl. Why did they break up?"
Sandra had been calling Martin regularly since Sis became ill. After he moved in with Anna, Sandra had called him at the office, but lately she had begun calling him at home again, mainly because the conversations at work often were cut short.
"Sandra is all right, but she has one major problem: the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Sis is very monogamous and the first time Sandra cheated on her she was devastated. Sandra promised it would never happen again, but it did. Sis was caught between a rock and a hard place. She loved Sandra but she couldn't live with her adventures. The third time, Sis threw her out. Sis was already ill at the time and I think the real reason why she didn't want to see Sandra was more than just because she was still in love with her; she felt betrayed because Sandra cheated on her while she should have supported her."
"I just don't understand. It sounds like Sandra cares about Sis a lot and if they still love each other? I mean, it's just too stupid."
"Sandra is bisexual and she tried to talk Sis into a threesome with a man. From what I know, it was with men every time she cheated, but there might have been some I've never heard about."
Anna nodded. Martin was kind of pleased. The last couple of times Sandra
had been very flirtatious, and even though he had no intentions of doing
anything but talking, Anna didn't need to know. The reason he felt that
way was unclear to him, he just preferred to keep it to himself.
His new job was as easy as he had expected it to be, at least on weekdays. On a typical weekday, the morning was occupied by pensioners until sometime after lunch, where the school kids began to take over after school. Martin never saw the pensioners and the kids began to leave around half past five and few was left when Martin started at five. They were replaced by the working people. It was a mixed crowd, which generally could be divided into two groups: group one, younger people eighteen to twenty-five, and group two, late thirties up to fifty. They were quiet, concentrated on swimming and not much else.
Sundays were the real challenge. Loads of kids, on their own or with their parents. Martin was unsure of what he preferred. Some of the parents seemed to have given up on correcting their own kids and wanted Martin to do it.
"We're here to have a good time with our kids and we don't want to spend all our time yelling at them. We have so little time together," as a father of a particularly badly behaving boy around ten years old had told Martin one Sunday afternoon. Martin had asked the father to control his son as he was terrorising a couple of smaller kids. No wonder the boy did as he pleased if his parents never stopped him.
Weekdays were quiet, sometimes too quiet, but he had to stay alert in case something happened. He was expected to oversee the pool and surrounding area constantly. It could be difficult, sometimes because it was so boring he was about to fall asleep and sometimes he was distracted when an attractive female swimmer, consciously or subconsciously, showed off her features in front of him. He liked looking at beautiful women and many of the swimsuit left little to his imagination. It was hard not to steal a glance and even harder because, although he was supposed to look at the people around the pool, he had to stay focused on what was going on.
Despite the kids and distractions Martin liked the job. He talked to
a lot of people every day, mostly the regulars and after two weeks he found
himself wondering if it would be possible to stay on a little longer, not
just to earn the extra money. The atmosphere was so pleasant, much better
than his daytime job.
A week after Anna had told Sandra about his new job she showed up at the pool. Martin spotted her as soon as she came out from the changing room. Sandra looked good in a swimming suit, more than good in the one she had chosen. She headed straight for him.
"Hi Martin. Your girlfriend told me you had a little extra job here. It has been so long since I've been here and I suddenly missed swimming. I used to swim here a lot. So, how are you doing?"
"Not too bad, thank you. It's a nice job, everything considered. And you?"
"Sure. Are you allowed to take a swim after hours? I've always wanted to swim naked with candles all around the pool. Can you fix that?"
Martin was sure Sandra said it to tease him and the idea did appealed to him, but the last one to leave was the inspector. He had been told how to close up and set the alarm in case the inspector called in sick, but he had a strong health. Martin tried to joke about it.
"Not much of a chance. It would be at very short notice and the candles are out of the question. Perhaps one candle if you bring it yourself."
"Please. It would be great."
Sandra sounded serious and he decided to put the facts to her.
"I'm only here for a few months and it's not my job to close, it's my boss'. He is rarely away."
Sandra continued as if she was deaf. "Imagine you and I in the pool together, naked. It would be so romantic."
"I thought you wanted to be alone?" Martin joked in a vain attempt to avoid what he knew was inevitable, considering the way Sandra had been coming on to him over the phone lately.
"You know what I mean."
"I'm with Anna now. She's pregnant and we're going to get married."
"One time doesn't hurt anybody. I know you want to."
She was right to some extent. In the past, Martin had been cheating on a couple of girlfriends, but he was determined that those days were over. Anna simply meant too much to him. Sandra was attractive and he had fantasised about her more than one time, but it was too risky. Sandra continued without waiting for a reply.
"Remember that night when you drove me home after that party at Henry's? I was a little drunk and we talked about what Sis and I were doing in bed."
Martin remembered. It was more or less the only time he had ever regretted his agreement with his sister not to hit on each other's girlfriends. Sandra had been really hot, flirtatious and teased him mercilessly. He had resisted the temptation, but only because it was Sis' girlfriend and he knew Sis would be devastated. Apparently it never occurred to Sandra that a one-night affair could hurt anybody, even though at the time he knew nothing about Sandra's other affairs.
"I remember. I think you're very sexy and I like you a lot, Sandra. But I don't want to jeopardise everything for a one night stand."
"She'll never know. Tell her you are taking an extra evening and come home to my place."
"No, can't do that. Anna might come here."
Anna had not visited him yet, but they had talked about it and Anna planned to do it. Old habit took over and he began thinking about another way to get together with Sandra. He silently cursed himself for doing that. Those days were over.
"Why should Anna come here? To check on you?"
"No, she just thought it would be good exercise to swim when she's pregnant. It's a lot easier to move in the water."
Sandra shrugged and got up.
"I know you, Martin, and I don't give up that easy. See you."
Martin considered if he should tell Anna about Sandra's visit, but he decided not to. Just before he fell asleep, his thoughts roamed. Why was he feeling guilty? He was happy with Anna, she was pregnant and everything was going well. Suddenly the thought scared him. He was going to be a father in a few months. It was forever or until he died. A sudden coldness crept in and took hold of him, not at the prospect of being a father, but the thought of dying. It was so close; it could happen tomorrow; tonight. He felt a pain in his chest. "Come on," he told himself. "It's only in your mind. It's because of Sis and her illness. You are turning into the worst kind of hypochondriac."
The pain in his chest almost disappeared, but the chill lingered. Life could be shorter than he wanted it to be and he was about to tie himself up for life with Anna. He thought about Sandra. She looked smashing in a swimsuit. His thoughts went back to the night he drove her home. She had vividly described how she loved it when Sis tied her to the bed and teased her for hours, used her relentlessly, and made her come several times. Anna was asleep and it was a long time since they had made love. The thoughts made him hard. Sex with Anna was great, although a bit scarce lately, but that would pass. He couldn't really imagine tying Anna up. He loved her too much and with a kid it would probably be impossible anyway. You can't just hide under the duvets if you're tied to the bedposts.
Would it hurt so much to have a little fun with Sandra, now that he
finally had the chance? The guilt came over him again and this time he
knew why. He knew how easy it was to cheat. He had been addicted to it,
but it had to end now. It just had to.
To be continued.
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